Friday, August 31, 2012

Does Brain Fitness Require Medicalization? Reflections @ 2012 ...

In June of this year, Sharp?Brains hosted its third annual online ?vir?tual sum?mit? on our evolv?ing under?stand?ing of how the human brain works, and how it can be made to work bet?ter. As read?ers of this blog know, Sharp?Brains is a US-based mar?ket research firm and think tank ded?i?cated to study?ing the sci?en?tific, social, and busi?ness trends asso?ci?ated with brain health and per?for?mance. As always, the sum?mit fea?tured a range of con?tri?bu?tions from sci?en?tists and busi?ness lead?ers whose com?mon inter?est is in gath?er?ing, com?pil?ing and apply?ing knowl?edge about the?brain.

The foun?da?tional con?vic?tion of the sum?mit orga?niz?ers and atten?dees is that we?re enter?ing an era when knowl?edge about the brain will have a mas?sive social and eco?nomic impact, giv?ing us unprece?dented capac?ity to address human prob?lems such as men?tal ill?ness, stress and demen?tia, as well as enhanc?ing gen?eral health and human per?for?mance. In fact, what?s been clear to me from my atten?dance at all three of these sum?mits is that we?ve already entered this era, as science-fiction as that may seem. We?re cur?rently liv?ing in an age when brain func?tion?ing can be mea?sured inex?pen?sively and reli?ably using web-based tech?nol?ogy, cog?ni?tive capac?i?ties of peo?ple young and old can be increased using non-drug meth?ods, and large-scale inte?gra?tions of sci?en?tific knowl?edge are pro?duc?ing insights that eluded the sci?en?tists of just a few years ago. It?s a time of rapid change and huge opportunity.

Is Hav?ing a Brain a Med?ical Condition?

One of the summit?s emer?gent themes was the extent to which applied knowl?edge of the brain is, and is not, going to be med?ical. Dis?cus?sion returned sev?eral times to the issue of the extent to which applied neu?ro?science should, or should not be, tied to the tra?di?tional dis?ci?plines and deliv?ery mod?els of health?care. One aspect of this ques?tion is the increas?ing rejec?tion of the often arbi?trary cat?e?gor?i?cal dis?tinc?tion between ill?ness and well?ness, a prod?uct of medicine?s his?toric focus on cat?e?gor?i?cal diag?no?sis. This issue is play?ing out in many dif?fer?ent ways, for both sci?en?tific and prac?ti?cal rea?sons. Within the sci?en?tific com?mu?nity it?s increas?ingly agreed that although diag?nos?tic cat?e?gories can be a use?ful tool, they can also dis?tort our under?stand?ings in ways that do a dis?ser?vice to those we serve. Neu?rol?o?gist and sum?mit speaker Peter White?house high?lighted this issue in his cri?tique of the diag?nos?tic entity called Alzheimer?s Dis?ease, an ?ill?ness? with?out a dis?tinct patho?phys?i?ol?ogy or a reli?able diag?nos?tic test. Psy?chi?a?try, too, is being com?pelled to con?sider new alter?na?tives to its out?worn diag?nos?tic sys?tem, ways of under?stand?ing dys?func?tion and select?ing inter?ven?tions on the basis of indi?vid?u?als? brain phys?i?ol?ogy and cog?ni?tive per?for?mance rather than on a check?list of observed symp?toms. Sum?mit speak?ers Robert Bilder and Evian Gor?don dis?cussed how ?Big Data? is cre?at?ing new, syn?thetic under?stand?ings of the con?nec?tions among behav?ioral syn?dromes and results from neu?roimag?ing, cog?ni?tive neu?ro?science, cell biol?ogy, and genet?ics. Dr. Gor?don also high?lighted the poten?tial of large inter?na?tional data?bases, cross?ing mul?ti?ple lev?els of analy?sis, for real?iz?ing the ideal of a truly per?son?al?ized medicine.

Brain fit?ness as a consumer-led movement

The new pop?u?lar term ?brain fit?ness? is itself telling, because its focus is on well?ness and peak func?tion?ing rather than dys?func?tion. ?Fit?ness? is indeed an apt metaphor in many ways, given that our brains get bet?ter at things they prac?tice doing, and that tar?geted prac?tice of cog?ni?tive functions?even in the form of play?ing shoot-?em-up video games?can lead to mean?ing?ful real-life changes in men?tal abil?ity. ?Brain fit?ness? is a grow?ing consumer-led move?ment, and as such, it?s not going to wait around for med?ical or sci?en?tific impri?maturs. As dis?cussed through?out the Sum?mit, it?s already hit the con?sumer world, with inex?pen?sive, wear?able EEG mon?i?tor?ing devices, a chain of brain-themed US retail stores, and web?sites where mil?lions of users try to improve their cog?ni?tive func?tion?ing by play?ing games for a few min?utes every?day.

Growth brings chal?lenges too, and the field was encour?aged to think about the costs and the ben?e?fits of a wide-open, consumer-oriented approach to brain fit?ness, as opposed to an approach that relies on the tra?di?tional gate?keep?ers of health, namely, physi?cians and other health professionals.

Pros and Cons of Medicalization

Pro?fes?sion?al?iza?tion has two chief ben?e?fits: it reduces risk in cases where the appli?ca?tion of knowl?edge car?ries with it the pos?si?bil?ity of harm, and it serves as a means of guar?an?tee?ing qual?ity by hold?ing inter?ven?tions to some sort of evi?den?tiary stan?dard with respect to their effi?cacy. In the case of brain fit?ness it seems rel?a?tively easy to dis?miss the for?mer ben?e?fit as irrel?e?vant. There cer?tainly seem to be few side effects to effec?tive brain-training prod?ucts that are cur?rently avail?able. Indeed, one of the most salu?tary aspects of tech?nolo?gies based on neu?ro?plas?tic?ity is that they work through the brain?s own nat?u?rally reg?u?lated change mech?a?nisms, unlike med?ical and sur?gi?cal inter?ven?tions whose poten?tial for harm is typ?i?cally linked to the fact that they over?ride these same mech?a?nisms. But plasticity-based inter?ven?tions have shown them?selves in some cases to be remark?ably pow?er?ful, so some cau?tion is war?ranted before declar?ing them entirely risk-free. The sec?ond point may be more impor?tant. When?ever some con?sumer trend takes hold, the mar?ket?place becomes crowded with sell?ers mak?ing ever-bolder claims, and in the case of brain fit?ness it?s bound to be dif?fi?cult for con?sumers to sort the evidence-based wheat from the unproven chaff. The long-term result may be that the pub?lic will become dis?af?fected with brain fit?ness due to a pre?pon?der?ance of wild claims and inef?fec?tive solu?tions, unless high-quality resources such as The Sharp?Brains Guide to Brain Fit?ness gain trac?tion in help?ing con?sumers and allied pro?fes?sion?als to nav?i?gate lifestyle and prod?uct options.

There are addi?tional ben?e?fits of deliv?er?ing brain assess?ment and train?ing through some sort of pro?fes?sional frame?work. First, there will need to be some means to iden?tify those in need of pro?fes?sional atten?tion and intro?duce them into the med?ical sys?tem. Second?and this is an issue that is begin?ning to get some attention?there will be an increas?ing need for dis?cus?sion of the ethics of neu?roac?tive tech?nolo?gies, and such a dis?cus?sion is most likely to be given proper atten?tion in sci?en?tific and pro?fes?sional cir?cles. Third, pro?fes?sion?als are well posi?tioned to mon?i?tor and improve brain func?tion?ing across long spans of time, and it?s becom?ing clear that mon?i?tor?ing lon?gi?tu?di?nal change across years is going to be impor?tant, espe?cially dur?ing later adulthood.

How?ever, the costs of med?ical?iza?tion are high, because it increases expense, imposes often sti?fling reg?u?la?tory con?straints, slows down a field?s respon?sive?ness to newly devel?oped tech?nol?ogy, places mas?sive decision-making power into the hands of insur?ers, and sets the stage for unhelp?ful inter-disciplinary turf wars. The ten?dency of all of these fac?tors is to limit innovation?s reach, and to dis?cour?age self-motivated con?sumers. Again, think of the ?fit?ness? metaphor.

Shap?ing the Future

In the Inter?net age the like?li?hood is that more an more con?sumers will take charge of their own brain health and fit?ness, and if the pro?fes?sional world is slow to adapt, it may well be bypassed in a grow?ing num?ber of sit?u?a?tions. More?over, with an aging pop?u?la?tion, the demand for brain prod?ucts will vastly out?strip the capac?ity of pro?fes?sion?als to pro?vide them. What is urgently needed is some way to mit?i?gate the risks of a consumer-driven phe?nom?e?non by estab?lish?ing qual?ity stan?dards, address?ing the safety ques?tion, improv?ing pub?lic edu?ca?tion, incor?po?rat?ing uni?ver?sal, lon?gi?tu?di?nal brain-health mon?i?tor?ing into pri?mary care, and ini?ti?at?ing a seri?ous neuro-ethics con?ver?sa?tion. ?Per?haps a good start to shape the agenda for the 2013 Sharp?Brains Vir?tual Summit?

? Dr. Philip Toman is a clin?i?cal psy?chol?o?gist and the founder of Chor?at?ech, a com?pany whose mis?sion is to bring appli?ca?tions of neu?ro?sci?en?tific research to ordi?nary peo?ple. He has par?tic?i?pated in all three Sharp?Brains Vir?tual Sum?mits so?far.

?> To Learn?More:


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Garmin n?vi 50LM 5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator(US) Reviews ...

Garmin n?vi 50LM 5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator(US) Reviews | Amazon Electronics Product Reviews

Pinned on August 31, 2012 at 1:03 pm by amazcont

Garmin n?vi 50LM 5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator(US)

  • 5-inch LCD display,Memory Card Supported: microSD Card
  • Free lifetime maps with over 6 million points of interest; Hear spoken street names
  • Speed limit indicator
  • Lane assist with junction view
  • Trip computer records mileage, max speed, total time and more.

With a big 5? (12.7 cm) touchscreen, more than 5 million points of interest (POIs) and spoken turn-by-turn directions, n?vi 50LM makes driving fun again. Plus, with FREE lifetime map updates, you always can keep your roads and POIs up to date.

Get Turn-by-Turn Directions n?vi 50LM?s intuitive interface greets you with 2 simple choices: ?Where To?? and ?View Map.? Touch the screen to easily look up addresses and services and to be guided to your destination with voice-promp

List Price: $ 169.99

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Impacts of Inconsistent Pet Restrictions on Base : StubbyDog

The U.S. military forces are among the bravest and most selfless people in our country. They dedicate and risk their lives to protect our citizens and rights. While serving in the military, it?s common to be transferred to varying locations both within the U.S. as well as internationally. Moving is stressful and uprooting your entire life over and over again is difficult. To make matters worse, pet rules vary from one location to the next, limiting how many pets are allowed and prohibiting select breeds and types of dogs. Risking life and comfort for our country is part of military service. For all that our service men and women do for our country, to deny them the familiarity and love of their own pets is not acceptable. Pets are family and should be able to provide comfort and affection to their loving owners no matter where life and military service may take them.

Here, and in many other stories on our site, we share the stories of many military families have been impacted by the inconsistent pet restrictions currently in place:

?I moved off base just to keep my baby. I followed the base?s ?grandfather-in? rule to keep my Staffordshire Bull Terrier on base. This only bought us an extra year and a half, and then they were going to kick us out if I did not give up my dog. No thanks. I will live off base.? ? Erica

?My husband is active duty Navy E4 and has been in for two years. We are currently at New London sub base in Groton, Conn. We now live in base housing here, and they did not have an issue with Cody, our dog. I don?t get why one base would have an issue and the other wouldn?t. [Because of inconsistent pet restrictions] we spent over a year apart.? ? Heather

?I have a Boxer/Lab mix, but the base said he looked like a pit bull, and we were told we had to get our dog?s blood checked to show that he wasn?t a pit bull because they wouldn?t take the veterinarian?s word to be enough. In the meantime, our house was on hold for us, and we signed all the leasing documents and everything. The blood test came back, and our dog was less than 3 percent pit bull, but because he was some part pit bull, we couldn?t keep him and had to sign other papers saying we wouldn?t have him on base. I spent over $500 flying him to California to live with my parents, and then after it was done we went in to get our keys and show them that our dog was now in California. They had given our house away to someone else after we signed a leasing agreement, and they said they didn?t think that we would give up our dog. We had nowhere else to go, and the apartment we were staying in was going up in price, and we couldn?t afford it. They finally found us a house, and it wasn?t fully ready for new move-in condition, but we needed a house by that weekend. So we moved in and got a bad location and stained carpet because they didn?t have time to fix it. I lost my best dog and got a bad place to live. It?s stupid how they choose what dogs can stay. I?ve been bitten twice by the Chihuahua next door, but that?s OK because it?s small.? ? Jessica

?I have a gorgeous pit bull named Willie that a devastated soldier brought to our shelter. He had to give him up due to breed-discriminatory legislation at the base he is transferring to. It was heart wrenching to watch this brave soldier kiss his best friend goodbye with tears running down his face. Something has to be done.? ? Katherine

?When we received a Permanent Change of Station to Germany, we were told at the last minute (literally the day before we left) that they only allowed families to have two pets. We ended up having to give one of our cats to my aunt and uncle before we left. I?m so glad that they were able to take him because I know that he is happy, loved and safe. Seeing this post brought me to tears, I still miss him so much.? ? Jessica

?We adopted an amazing Rottweiler in Virginia seven years ago and had no problems in either Virginia or Connecticut, but when were about to move to Florida we found that she was not allowed in housing (even though the same parent company managed both the Connecticut and Florida housing communities). Being as we have special needs children, I was able to get special paperwork together to have her here as an ESA (Emotional Support Animal), but it took over six months to complete, and thankfully during this time my sister in Massachusetts was able to foster her. I agree that policies need to be standardized across the board. Honestly, I am more scared of my neighbors little yippy dog than I am of my Rottie.? ? Jessica Miller, a Navy spouse stationed in Mayport, Fla.

Sign the petition to standardize military pet policies. Visit Dogs on Deployment for more info.

(photos by Melissa Lipani)


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Positively Naperville | Last Fling street and parking lot closures to ...

Beginning Wed., Aug. 29, the Jaycees? Last Fling will require the closing of parking lots and streets at and near the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center and Park District Administration Building.

The parking lots for the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center (at 305 W. Jackson Ave.) and the Park District Administration Building (320 W. Jackson Ave.) will close at 6AM on Wed., Aug. 29 and will remain closed through Mon., Sept. 3.

The Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center will be closed August 29 ? Sept.? 3. The Park District Administration Building will remain open the week of Aug.? 27 ? 31; however, the building will close at 3PM on Fri., Aug. 31.

For more information about the Jaycees? Last Fling, visit

For questions about the Naperville Park District, visit or call (630) 848-5000.

Editor?s Note: Just as the red Landforms sculpture at Eagle and Jackson marks the spot of the beginning of four days of family fun and frolic along the Jaycees? Last Fling Midway rides, the orange snow fencing follows the pedestrian path to all the festivities in the name of public safety.

Enjoy a safe and healthful Labor Day Weekend, mindful of everyone who works or volunteers that 3-day weekend to create a good time to celebrate? American traditions with peaceful assembly. The Jaycees Labor Day Parade steps off in downtown Naperville at 10AM Mon., Sept. 3.

Naperville Park District

Created in 1966, the Naperville Park District is an independent, municipal agency serving the recreation needs of its residents. An Illinois Distinguished Agency since 1994, the District is one of only 1% of park districts across the country to be nationally accredited through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). The Naperville Park District?s mission is to provide recreation and park experiences that enhance the quality of life for our community, including benefits such as community health, environmental education, social connections, and personal growth. The District maintains and operates more than 2,500 acres with 140 parks and facilities and provides more than 1,400 recreational, arts and environmental programs and special events annually. Included within the District?s operations are two championship golf courses, a multitude of playgrounds, trails, athletic courts and sports fields, two inline skating and skateboarding facilities, the Millennium Carillon, a paddle boat quarry, historic Centennial Beach, and the beautiful Riverwalk.

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CDC: West Nile cases rise 40 percent in 1 week

FILE - In a Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 file photo, dead mosquitos are lined up waiting to be sorted at the Dallas County mosquito lab in Dallas. Federal health officials said Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 that West Nile virus cases are up 40 percent since last week and may rival the record years of 2002 and 2003. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

FILE - In a Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 file photo, dead mosquitos are lined up waiting to be sorted at the Dallas County mosquito lab in Dallas. Federal health officials said Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 that West Nile virus cases are up 40 percent since last week and may rival the record years of 2002 and 2003. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

FILE - In a Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 file photo, dead mosquitos are lined up waiting to be sorted at the Dallas County mosquito lab in Dallas. Federal health officials said Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 that West Nile virus cases are up 40 percent since last week and may rival the record years of 2002 and 2003. (AP Photo/LM Otero, File)

West Nile virus cases are up 40 percent since last week and may rival the record years of 2002 and 2003, federal health officials said Wednesday.

So far this year, 1,590 cases of the mosquito-borne disease have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and 66 deaths.

About half of the cases are serious illnesses, and the CDC considers those the best indicator of West Nile activity because many mild cases do not get reported and their symptoms may not even be recognized.

Typical symptoms are fever, headache and body aches, and most people get better on their own in a few days. Less than 1 percent develops neurological symptoms such as stiff necks and even coma and paralysis.

Based on reports of West Nile so far this year, "we think the numbers may come close" to those of 2002 and 2003, when nearly 3,000 severe illnesses and more than 260 deaths occurred each year, said the CDC's top expert on the disease, Dr. Lyle Petersen.

Health officials think that West Nile activity will peak in mid-to-late August, but likely will continue through October. Because symptoms can take two weeks to appear, reporting cases lags behind when people became infected.

The disease first appeared in the United States in 1999. Officials say this year's early spring and hot summer may have contributed to the current boom in cases. Mosquitoes get the virus from feeding on infected birds and then spread the virus to people they bite.

All states except Alaska and Hawaii have found West Nile virus in people, birds or mosquitoes this year. Texas has been the hardest hit, accounting for half of the cases reported to the CDC so far.

"I'm not convinced that we have peaked. We may have plateaued," said Dr. David Lakey, commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services.

The CDC also says it does not expect Hurricane Isaac to have much of an impact on cases in Southern states. Heavy storms can wash out mosquito breeding grounds, although standing water can aid breeding, Petersen said. Many other factors, such as the population of infected birds, influence the severity of West Nile outbreaks, he said.


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Gazprom to Begin with NGV Market in Belarus>> LNG World News

Gazprom to Begin with NGV Market in Belarus

As part of the business trip by Gazprom?s delegation to the Republic of Belarus, a meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company?s Management Committee and Vladimir Semashko, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus took place today.

The parties discussed promotion of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation in the gas sector, the prospects for developing the gas transmission system and underground gas storage facilities in the Republic as well as the ongoing integration of Beltransgaz into Gazprom Group. In addition, the meeting addressed various options of Russian gas transit across Belarus.

It was highlighted that Gazprom set the task of considerably expanding natural gas use as a motor fuel. With its multiple environmental and economic advantages NGV fuel is greatly important for the society.

Alexey Miller and Vladimir Semashko emphasized that there was a promising outlook for intense development of the NGV fuel market in the Republic. Conversion of vehicles and equipment to natural gas will provide significant cost savings to Belarusian car owners and producers as the NGV fuel value is much lower than that of gasoline and diesel fuel.

Based on the meeting results, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and Gazprom signed a Protocol of Intent on cooperation aimed at developing natural gas use as a motor fuel.

LNG World News Staff, August 27, 2012; Image: Gazprom


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get tax relief fast in the state's expert within resolving back taxes and ...

Tax relief must be provided at the rate you?ve already been taxed on or it?s absolutely illegal! If the regular rate tax payer earns ?100 gross, government entities takes ?20 knowning that man or woman has ?80 left they?re able to devote their particular pension. Tax relief specialists certainly are a recommended aid for getting in contact with, and negotiating with, the government. They are able to assist ?even the odds? once you should handle federal government agents, who are able to always be very intimidating when making calls for on the citizen. We are very obsessed with tax relief and the deterrence of tax that we neglect the less we placed into the actual Goverment?s coffers the less it has to invest in wellbeing sevices, roads, the authorities, the military etc. And then we grumble that there is inadequate income to invest in all those providers. MUSCATINE, IA- Iowans for Tax Relief PAC will host a Taxpayers? Watchdog Wedding party featuring special guests Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Various Government tax relief programs require absolutely no financial statement in the application process.

Internal revenue service problems possess a method of damaging every aspect you have ever had and only become worse as time passes. IRS salary garnishments are serious fines imposed by the Internal revenue service that inform folks your company?s HR section of your respective tax issues. IRS Hitman is a firm resides in The city of jacksonville, Florida. IRS Hitman Reviews are provided by RocketRelief. The declaration permits the IRS to postpone certain output deadlines for taxpayers which reside or possess a business inside devastation area.

This years Tax Behave provides an AMT area through providing increased exemption amounts and also other relief for 2010 as well as 2011 to prevent the actual AMT from signing up to center income taxpayers. We urge you to definitely take appropriate steps swiftly to address move taxes, permanently prolong the GST complex modifications, and will include a new technical modification to allow for management relief for certain overdue QTIP and QRT elections. For 2011 only, the Tax Relief Act irs debt settlement additionally reduced the interest rate to the Social Security portion of payroll taxes to Ten. 1 Sections 40A to 40D, 41,42 Finance Take action (2) 92 and 48 Financing ACT (No 2) The late nineties (corporates) and sections 134 ? 144 ITTOIA 2005 (individuals). This Take action could be reported because the Health care insurance (Pensioner Tax Relief) Work 2011.

Mr Taksrelif told us that Pension will be supposedly deferred wages, I pay no tax now i pay tax while i remove it with the opposite end. If your 40% tax payer gets taxed with 20% (i.e. simply 20% relief) after they squeeze take advantage and then after tax at 20% after they consider the funds out. Pension schemes will have to provide affected members using statements in the further pension benefits earned in each tax 12 months. Pension consultants were also expecting closure with the loophole which originally allowed tax-free pension plan contributions of 100% involving earnings around before retirement, later diminished to ?130,000, (provided the overall life-time cap was not surpass) ? often completely eliminating the individual?s income tax liability. Pension contributions to schemes besides RACs are generally treated as paid net of fundamental rate tax Website while using the relief in source process. Pensions are usually long-term investments meant to aid make certain you have adequate cash flow in retirement.


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Father of Wanderlei Silva killed in car crash

Sad news from Curitiba, Brazil. Holando Piniero da Silva, the father of MMA veteran and all-around good guy Wanderlei Silva, died in a head-on car collision. Silva left his camp in Las Vegas to head to Brazil for his father's funeral services.

Silva recently released video from a visit with his family in Brazil. His father talked about how his son is the pride of Brazil, and beamed as he introduced his entire family to the camera.

"I learned a lot from my dad, even with our hectic life. My father worked three jobs. My parents lived for us," Wanderlei said. "The biggest lesson is that we can achieve anything through hard work and honesty."


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Monday, August 27, 2012

A Look at Small Business Consulting Services - Commonwealth Watch

Small Business Consulting Services Can Produce Change

When it comes to opening a small business for the first time or keeping an existing company running smoothly, there are many areas that need to be focused on. A person may feel as if they have everything under control, when, in fact, things are going haywire. A business owner or manager may be looking for a consultant to come in and assist. Here are just a few examples of some of the small business consulting services that can be offered.

As a new company, there are important things that should be addressed before operation begins. All businesses should have a business plan in place. This helps a company identify its strengths and weaknesses, and this is a very important key factor. A consultant can help set goals to keep the strength's firm and improve the weaknesses. It is a known fact that competition grows daily, no matter what the business is. A business plan should also include a comparison of the company and the opportunities for that company. This will ensure that company can stand firm and that there is a place in the market for that type of business. These are some of the small business consulting services that are very crucial.

Financial Analysis is another example of small business consulting services. A company needs to be able to get afloat and stay on top. When a consultant performs a financial analysis, they will look at things such as profitability, solvency, liquidity and stability. A company needs to be able to earn income and sustain growth in both short term and long term situations. Every business has creditors, and they may also have obtained third-party assistance. Reviewing the solvency will ensure that the company has the ability to pay their creditors. Having obligations should not hinder the ability to maintain a positive cash flow while taking care of these obligations. This is considered liquidity and it needs to be focused on as well. The stability of the company is an overall review in making sure that the company can stay in business without suffering great losses.

Marketing is one of the small business consulting services that gets the company recognized. People need to know what the company is and what they offer. There needs to be a plan set into place in making sure the company gets its name out there. This is considered market planning. This plan needs to be clear, concise and simple. Failure to have a marketing plan in place could have a very negative result on the company, possibly even keeping it from operating. One of the things that should be done is a market study. This would inform the business owner or manager if their type of company would survive. If there isn't a market in the area for that type of business, it would almost be pointless to even open it in that area. Competition is another thing to research. Every type of business has competition, but a company needs to make sure they can stand up to them. If two companies are offering the same product, but one offers it at a much higher price, a customer will obviously pick the least expensive. Speaking of customers, they are what keeps the doors open on any business. Without customers, the company would cease to exist.

These are just a few of the small business consulting services that are offered. There are many more that are available. There are many aspects of a company and a consultant can help with all of them. A consultant is someone who has expertise in one or more areas of business. Take an accountant, for example, one who has done it for years. This would be an ideal person to have in your corner when it comes to payroll or even profit and loss.

Consultants are considered to be problem solvers. When a problem occurs within a company, it should be addressed immediately. Problems that are left unattended can wreak havoc on a company. Little problems can turn into big problems virtually overnight. Sometimes the reason a problem is placed on the back burner is because the person responsible doesn't have the time to take care of it. They are trying to focus on so many things, and it is almost impossible to be in two places at once.

Perhaps there is a problem with the management, or even the employees. A consultant can come in and offer solutions such as management or leadership training. The bottom line is that consultants can help address problems that are present, and they can help keep problems from reoccurring. Either way, it is nice to know that there is help available when it is needed.

If you are thinking about starting your own business, or if you are a current business owner, there are small business management consulting services available to you that could get your company off to a great start. If you would like to learn more, you can click the link below.

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15-year-old Lydia Ko wins in Canada

AAA??Aug. 26, 2012?5:47 PM ET
15-year-old Lydia Ko wins in Canada

Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, watches her tee shot on the ninth hole during the final round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open golf tournament, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, at the Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, watches her tee shot on the ninth hole during the final round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open golf tournament, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, at the Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, hits her second shot on the sixth hole during the final round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open golf tournament, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, at the Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, watches her tee shot on the fifth hole during the final round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open golf tournament, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, at the Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, follows through on her second shot on the eighth hole during the final round of the LPGA Tour's Canadian Women's Open golf tournament, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, at the Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

Fifteen-year-old Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, sports her country's flag on her shoes as she misses a birdie putt on the 15th hole during the third round of the Canadian Women's Open LPGA golf tournament at Vancouver Golf Club in Coquitlam, British Columbia, on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Darryl Dyck)

(AP) ? Lydia Ko won the Canadian Women's Open on Sunday to become the youngest winner in LPGA Tour history and only the fifth amateur champion.

The 15-year-old South Korean-born New Zealander closed with a 5-under 67 for a three-stroke victory. She broke the age record of 16 set by Lexi Thompson last September in the Navistar LPGA Classic in Alabama, and is the first amateur winner since JoAnne Carner in the 1969 Burdine's Invitational.

In January, Ko won the New South Wales Open in Australia at 14 to become the youngest player to win a professional tour event, a mark broken by 14-year-old Brooke Henderson in June in a Canadian Women's Tour event in Quebec. Ko also won the U.S. Women's Amateur two weeks ago in Cleveland.

Ko finished at 13-under 275 at The Vancouver Golf Club, pulling away with birdies on five of the first six holes on the back nine. She opened with consecutive 68s and shot a 72 on Saturday to take a one-stroke lead into the final round.

Inbee Park shot a 69 to finish second.

U.S. Women's Open champion Na Yeon Choi, Chella Choi and Jiyai Shin tied for third at 8 under. Na Yeon Shoi had a 73, and Chella Choi and Shin shot 71.

Associated Press


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

A series of earthquakes rattle California

SAN DIEGO (AP) ? A series of earthquakes has rattled California, from rural Imperial County all the way to the San Diego County coast.

Paul Caruso with the U.S. Geological Survey says the first quake, magnitude 3.9, struck at 10:02 a.m. Sunday about three miles north-northwest of Brawley.

It was followed by a 3.4 quake about 90 seconds later in the same area near the southern end of the Salton Sea about 16 miles north of El Centro. Magnitude 2.2 and 2.0 quakes followed minutes later.

Preliminary USGS reports indicated that three quakes larger than magnitude 5.3 struck within two minutes starting at 12:30 p.m. Caruso says the magnitude of those quakes have not been verified.

A sheriff's dispatcher says there have been no reports of damage or injuries.


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Merkel's party keeps lead, coalition ally down: poll

BERLIN (Reuters) - Support for Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives has nudged higher, an opinion poll showed on Sunday, but the weakness of two smaller parties highlights the trouble she may face building another center-right coalition after Germany's 2013 election.

The Emnid poll conducted for the Bild on Sunday newspaper showed the conservatives up one percentage point at 36 percent but their junior coalition partner, the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), down one point at 4 percent, below the 5 percent threshold for entering parliament.

Merkel may also be vulnerable to a slowing economy as the euro zone debt crisis drags on, though opinion polls show steady voter support for her handling of the crisis and her insistence on heavily indebted states implementing tough reforms.

The Pirates, an upstart party which has won seats in regional elections over the past year, also lost one percentage point to 7 percent, the poll showed. The party, which wants broader Internet freedom, peaked at 12 percent in April.

This is also bad news for Merkel because the Pirates had been drawing away support from her main center-left rivals. A Merkel adviser told Reuters earlier this year that a collapse of support for the Pirates was one of her biggest worries.

Sunday's poll showed the main opposition center-left Social Democrats at 28 percent, down one percentage point, and the Greens, their preferred partner in a future coalition, up one percentage point at 14 percent.

If this tally were repeated in next year's national election and the FDP failed to win seats in the Bundestag lower house, Merkel would most likely end up forging a 'grand coalition' with the SPD as happened in 2005-09.

The Emnid poll was conducted between August 16 and 22 and canvassed the views of 2,792 people.

(Reporting by Gareth Jones, editing by Tim Pearce)


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Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer

Minnesota Department of Health
Facility and Provider Compliance

NOTE: The following information about the facility and provider is provided by the MDH Website this blog is not a complete list of providers with Substantiated Complaints, the providers highlighted are generally those which focus on the care of disabled or elderly persons.

Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 626.5572, subd. 19; ?Substantiated? means a preponderance of the evidence shows that an act that meets the definition of maltreatment, which is defined subdivision 15, as: means ?abuse as defined in subdivision 2, neglect as defined in subdivision 17 or financial exploitation as defined by subdivision 9.?

Provider:????Redeemer Residence, Inc.

Location:????Minneapolis, Minnesota

Provider Type: ???? Nursing Home

Number of Substantiated Complaints listed by MDH????2

Complaint 1:

Date Investigation Concluded:????February 12, 2010

Basis of Complaint:????????Neglect of Supervision

071612-0216-minnesotade128 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

According to the MDH report:

071612-0216-minnesotade226 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

071612-0216-minnesotade316 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

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071612-0216-minnesotade511 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

071612-0216-minnesotade610 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

071612-0216-minnesotade79 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

For the entire MDH report click here

Complaint 2:

Date Investigation Concluded:????May 30, 2012

071612-0216-minnesotade88 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

Basis of Complaint:????Physical Abuse of Staff, Emotional Abuse by Staff

According to the MDH report:

071612-0216-minnesotade95 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

071612-0216-minnesotade104 Minnesota Department of Health Substantiated Finding for Redeemer Residence

For the entire MDH report click here

Although, efforts are made to make accurate links and relayed information, these blogs are examples of neglect and other issues, please double check all information at: MDH Website

This website is not intended to provide legal advice as each situation is different and specific factual information must be obtained before an attorney is able to assess the legal questions relevant to your situation.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from neglect or abuse in a nursing home or other care facility that serves the elderly in Minnesota please contact our firm for a free consultation and information regarding the obligations of the facility and your rights as a resident or concerned family member. To contact Attorney Kenneth L. LaBore, directly please send an email to or call Ken at 612-743-9048.


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Tags: Air Charter Flights in Abbotsford, private jet charter flights


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Pets | Good Read In Picking The Right Fish Aquarium :: By James ...

?Having Fun Inside An Aquarium Fish Store
Unlike shopping for home items, you have to make sure that when you shop in an aquarium fish store, you don't hurry. Take note that it will not be a fun experience anymore if you keep on hurrying while you are inside. Even if you only need a few items for your fish, you still have to stop and take the time to appreciate the fish that are inside. You might find them perfect for you. Thus, you do not just get the items that you need, but you end up buying more fish. If you really love aquarium...

?The Need to Find the Best Aquarium Fish Store
There are lots of aquarium fish stores available these days. Thus, if you are fond of taking care of aquarium fishes or you have plans to start one, you are indeed very lucky. You need not look for these fishes as they are available right away. However, the choices available are also a huge problem on your end. This might cause you headache as all of these stores are seemingly perfect for you. Well, you have to be aware of the fact that you really need to scrutinize these stores before...

?Deciding On Which Is The Best Pet For You
Do you have a bird, a feline or a canine? Do you care for your family pet? If you are one who is just like so many people in the world who are very fond of their pets; then you are most likely searching for more information on how your pets will also be likeable by other people around you. You may also be looking for information on how you can better provide comfort and care for your beloved family pet. To our lovable pets - You can't just help it to be fascinated and even touched by the...

?Setting Up A Fresh Water Aquarium
These are some steps that will help you setup your freshwater aquarium. First and foremost, are you ready for the responsibility of having your own freshwater aquarium? You should know that having one, will consume time and effort. It is just like having any ordinary pet like a dog or a cat. You would need to feed the fish once a day and clean the aquarium by replacing the water once a week or every two weeks. Now think of an aquarium size you prefer. What tropical fish do you have in...

?Remember To Check The Health Of Your Fish Tanks
Have you recently encounter one day looking at your tank and discovering your fish unwell? It is such a undesirable emotion and gives off a sense of urgency particularly if you are a beginner in the pastime and does not know what to do. Pondering that a sickly fish can cause harm to other fish and make them unwell is the most severe. Keep relaxed for the reason that we will tackle some of the most popular treatment options for these health conditions in your tank for your fish. Are you...

?Aquarium Fish Store Purchases Prices And Fees
It might be very tempting to buy from an. However, you have to realize that you should also try to limit what you are to buy. Do not go beyond the budget. If there are items that you wanted to buy, you can save money for the next shopping. For now, you have to prioritize what is on the list. Take note that this is a very expensive hobby. If you let yourself follow your desires, you might spend a lot. The best option is for you to take note of what you have seen, and buy them the next time...

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Have you already experience one day looking at your tank and seeing your fish sick? It is such a bad feeling and gives off a sense of urgency especially if you are a newbie in the hobby and does not know that to do. Thinking that a sick fish can harm other fish and make them sick is the worst. Stay calm because we will tackle some of the most common treatments for these diseases in your fish tank. Are you noticing any grayish color, cotton like thing sticking on the gills or skin of your...

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Christmas Shopping ? Surviving the Shopping Mall And Alternatives

As soon as the nights begin drawing in and the first signs of winter approach, millions of us begin panicking at thought of another pre-Christmas shopping mall rush. As most will already be painfully aware, this is without question a part of the festive season that is neither festive nor joyous, but instead something of a chaotic frenzy of impulse-spending that most would quite gladly sidestep.

Well, the truth of the matter is that not it is in fact not only possible to avoid Christmas shopping mall carnage, but also to avoid the mall altogether. So if you happen to fall into the ever-growing group that quite simply laments the whole affair from start to finish, perhaps think a little outside the box this year and do your nerves a favor.

Mall Survival

There is a single and hugely important rule for avoiding the very worst of the shopping mall ? that being never to trust your instincts. For example, if you?ve a cunning idea to hit the stores at an off-peak time, painfully early in the morning or at the very last second to avoid the rushed, chances are thousands will be planning to do exactly the same. Unless your plan of attack is entirely abstract, you better be prepared to share it with a small army of other shoppers.

Don?t rule out hitting a 24-hour superstore at 3am if you really can?t stand the crowds, but if you can?t avoid the mall at this trying time of year, budget yourself a full day, stock up on supplies and get it all out-of-the-way in one visit.

Mall Avoidance

It never fails to surprise just how many Christmas shoppers scream and moan until blue in the face about the shopping mall, though fail to take advantage of the greatest piece of retail technology on the modern world ? the internet. It is no longer a matter of if ? it is 100% guaranteed that anything and everything your local shopping mall stocks can be found online, from home, anytime and probably with a lower price tag. True, it is not always as easy to go window-shopping online and you might need a little patience to find what you?re after, but throw into the mix a warm living room, some relaxing music and a hot drink and you?ll soon join a rather smug group laughing contentedly at the expense of the masses.

Phone it In

Call it cheeky, call it ingenious or call it anything you want, but some of the biggest and best names in the business today are so determined to keep their customers sweet that they will let you phone in your Christmas shopping wish-list to be filled on your behalf. If this sounds like a winner, all you need to do is come up with a simple and sensible gift list, give yourself a deadline and then give your shopping mall or department store a call to handle the job on your behalf.

Web Gifts

Last but not least, you can also give the shopping mall the heave-ho in favor of web-based gifts ? i.e. those that you do not have to collect, wrap or deliver to the recipient. From gift vouchers to wild trips and experiences to courses to charity memberships and thousands of others besides, this really is a fool-proof route to the simplest possible Christmas shopping where your ?though? and ?effort? will always be rewarded.

Learn how to avoid chaos this Christmas at the shopping mall, with a few key tips and tricks. Find out where to bag bargains and enjoy the smoothest experience online.


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Advanced Technology Provides More Freelance Opportunities

The work-at-home bookkeeper or telemarketer is not a new concept. Once upon a time, these professionals would go into their respective offices once or twice a week to acquire necessary documents, call lists, and reports so they could be productive for the rest of their work weeks. Today, things have changed a little, and freelance professionals are far more common. This is true primarily because of the advance in technology.

The obvious first piece of technology that has made freelancing easier is the computer. With your desk top or laptop at home along with the right software, you can type pages of prose and documentation, with spell check and grammar check keeping an eye on your work and pointing out errors. Spreadsheet software allows you to complete complex bookkeeping activities, track information, and calculate progress. What used to be done with typewriters and adding machines can now be done more quickly and more efficiently.

The Internet
As excited as we were to get our first computers, it was nothing like the onset of the internet. The World Wide Web now connects our computers to other computers around the world. Thanks to the internet, you no longer need to go to the office to turn in your work or pick up reports. They can be emailed to you in mere seconds. The internet also provides a wealth of information on millions of topics, so you can use your computer to research topics without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Cell Phones
If you are a freelance professional, you probably enjoy some the freedoms that being a freelancer affords. Working from home means you can go to lunch with a group of friends or move your operations to an area coffee shop if you so wish. Thanks to cellphones, you can do this even if you are waiting for a call. When you carry a cell phone, you can be available for potential clients, as well as being available for family and friends.

Specialized Software
Of course, if you want to be a successful freelance professional, you will have to purchase the software required for your specific area of expertise. Bookkeepers and accountants will need to purchase accounting software, like QuickBooks, while telemarketers will need a database program to track their calls and their successes. Accounting freelancers might draw in more potential clients if they have software that pulls accounting information from the client?s books and sends the completed work back to the clients.

Other Technological Tools
Once you get started, you will realize what you need to succeed. Some of these items include a fax machine, for sending a receiving documents, a scanner for downloading reports to be sent via email, and a video conferencing software if you find that you must attend or host meetings between distance groups. All of these things and more have arisen in this age of technology, and as each new gadget hits the shelves, it makes the concept of working from your home office on a freelance basis easier and easier.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Czech films to be presented in Israel

?TK |

16 August 2012

Prague, Aug 15 (CTK) - The third Czech Film Weeks in Israel to be held on August 19-September 8 will present eight Czech films that were shot in the past few years, Petra Jungwirthova, from the Czech Centres, which help organise the festival, told CTK Wednesday.

The festival will offer five full-length feature films and three documentaries. It will be held simultaneously in several towns, such as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Sderot and for the first time also Herzliya.

The event will open with the screening of the contemporary "road movie" Long Live the Family (Rodina je zaklad statu, 2011) directed by Robert Sedlacek in Jerusalem on August 19.

"Some 5000 people annually visit the festival. This year the audience can look forward to over 40 screenings," Jungwirthova said.

Radim Prochazka, producer of Long Live the Family, will attend the official opening and he will introduce his own documentary film, Catenaccio a la Drnovice or Journey to the Beginning of the Time of Economic Transformation (Drnovicke catenaccio, 2010) at the festival.

The audience in Israel will also have a chance to see another feature film by Sedlacek, Rules of Lies (2006), Flower Buds (Poupata, 2011) by Zdenek Jirasky, Czech-Slovak film Love directed by Jakub Kroner, Miloslav Smidmajer's comedy I Wake Up Yesterday (Probudim se vcera, 2012) and his documentary Milos Forman: What Doesn't Kill You... (Co te nezabije, 2009) about this famous Czech-born U.S. film-maker who turned 80 this year, and Generation Singles (Generace Singles, 2011) documentary by Jana Poctova.

Czech centres annually organise some 900 film events in the world. Along with preparing film festivals and retrospectives, they are promoting Czech cinematography and film-makers at international festivals.

Copyright 2011 by the Czech News Agency (?TK). All rights reserved.
Copying, dissemination or other publication of this article or parts thereof without the prior written consent of ?TK is expressly forbidden. The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.


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Syrian regime airstrikes kill 23 in eastern city

BEIRUT (AP) ? A fighter jet bombed an apartment building Friday in eastern Syria, killing at least 21 people after rebels in the area made significant advances in the city and took control of a major checkpoint, activists said.

In Damascus, shells from mountains overlooking the Syrian capital crashed into the rebellious suburb of Daraya as part of a days-long government offensive to regain control of the area. Activists said at least 15 people were killed in the shelling and clashes.

The air raid on Mayadin, a city in Deir el-Zour province near the Iraqi border, occurred after rebels gained control of a key checkpoint on a bridge over the Euphrates River there, local activist Abu Omar al-Deery said.

He claimed that rebels have largely gained control of Mayadin for the first time in the 17-month-old uprising in Syria, adding that the only part still in the hands of the regime is an artillery position on a hill overlooking the city.

Rebels seeking to oust President Bashar Assad have been fighting to expand their foothold along the eastern frontier. The opposition already controls a wide swath of territory along the border with Turkey in the north, as well as pockets along the frontier with Jordan to the south and Lebanon to the west.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 21 people, including 12 women and a child, were killed in the airstrike. Al-Deery put the death toll at 23. The figures and details could not be independently confirmed due to tight controls over the media in Syria.

"There was a real massacre in Mayadin. I believe it is to avenge the takeover of the city by the Free Syrian Army," al-Deery told The Associated Press through Skype.

Fighting also continued around the southern Damascus suburb of Daraya, the scene of intense clashes this week. The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists on the ground, said 15 people died there Friday, many from injuries suffered in battles the day before. The Local Coordination Committees, a key activist group, said 21 people were killed in Daraya.

Damascus residents reported hearing loud explosions as shells fired from the Qasioun mountains overlooking the capital slammed into Daraya and the nearby suburb of Moadimiyeh.

Human rights groups say more than 20,000 people have died since the Syrian uprising against Assad erupted in March 2011 and evolved into a civil war. The bloodshed already has spilled over into neighboring countries.

In neighboring Lebanon, fresh clashes broke out Friday in the northern city of Tripoli between supporters and opponents of the Syrian regime, killing two people and wounding 17 others, Lebanese security officials said.

Gunmen from the Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen fought armed elements from the neighboring district of Bab Tabbaneh, which is populated by Sunnis. The Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shiite Islam. Assad comes from Syria's Alawite minority, while rebels fighting his regime are mostly Sunnis.

Among those wounded by sniper fire was a technician working with journalists in the area.

Lebanon, a country that suffered its own 15-year civil war from 1975 to 1990, has an explosive sectarian mix of Sunni and Shiite Muslims, Christians and Palestinian refugees, as well as deep divisions between pro- and anti-Syrian factions.

Syria was in virtual control of its smaller neighbor for many years, posting tens of thousands of troops in Lebanon, before withdrawing under pressure in 2005. Even without soldiers on the ground, Syria remains influential, and its civil war has stirred longstanding tensions that have lain under Lebanon's surface.

Clashes over the past few days in Tripoli represent some of the most serious fighting in Lebanon in several months. The mostly Sunni city weathered gunbattles in May, when fighting over Syria killed eight people.

Tensions surged Monday. Several attempts to mediate a cease-fire have failed. In all, 17 people have been killed in the city this week, and more than 100 have been wounded.

Meanwhile, the wife of a journalist for a U.S.-funded television network who was reported missing in Syria said Friday he is believed to be in the custody of pro-government forces there. Alhurra TV correspondent Bashar Fahmi, a Jordanian citizen of Palestinian origin, and his Turkish cameraman, Cuneyt Unal, are said to have been captured in the city of Aleppo after entering Syria on Monday.

Fahmi's wife, Arzu Kadumi , said she had been informed of witness reports that her husband was seen alive.

Turkish journalist Murat Can, who has investigated the case, says his contacts informed him that Fahmi was injured in the shoulder, and that he and Unal had been captured by pro-government militiamen known as "shabiha."

A third journalist, Austin Tice has reported for The Washington Post, McClatchy Newspapers and other media outlets from the Middle Eastern country, is also reported missing in Syria.

His father, Marc Tice, said his son hasn't been in contact with his editors or his family in Texas in more than a week.

The Washington Post reported that the 31-year-old Tice spent time with rebel fighters in the north after entering Syria from Turkey in May. He then traveled to Damascus, where he was one of the few Western journalists reporting from the capital.


Associated Press writers Terry Wallace in Dallas and Christopher Torchia in Istanbul contributed to this report.


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