More and more people are becoming involved in amateur sports due to the many benefits for health and fitness. Unfortunately, every sporting activity carries some risk of injury. A Linden chiropractor has developed effective techniques to address both traumatic and repetitive stress sports injuries. His patients receive personalized care utilizing safe, non-invasive therapies.
Traumatic sports injuries may occur due to a collision, slip, or fall. The most commonly seen types are strained tendons or muscles and sprained ligaments. The knees, ankles, and shoulder are especially susceptible to sprains and strains, but other areas can also be affected. Any traumatic injury should be addressed immediately and monitored during recovery to prevent future disability.
Repetitive stress injuries occur in sports where similar movements are repeated over and over. Examples include bowling, tennis, and golf. Over time, minor strains to tendons or muscles accumulate, leading to more severe problems. Overuse sports injuries usually affect the shoulder, back, arm, wrist, or hand. They can cause weakness, stiffness, decreased endurance, and shooting pain.
When people with sports injuries visit the Linden chiropractic clinic, they are thoroughly evaluated. The chiropractor goes over their medical history, sporting practices and current symptoms. He then performs a physical examination and carries out orthopedic and neurological tests. He uses the findings to develop a customized therapy plan for each patient.
Chiropractic care for sports injuries typically involves precise manual adjustments to restore correct alignment to joints and release constricted nerves. Gentle massage techniques are employed to soothe stiff, aching muscles. Other non-invasive pain-relieving therapies such as hydromassage, ultrasound, or cold lasers are applied as needed.
The Linden chiropractor customizes a rehabilitation plan for each of his sports injury patients. The aim is to stabilize the injury and speed recovery while improving muscle strength and flexibility. Each patient is assigned specific exercises to perform and advised about ways to avoid complications and further injuries.
Chiropractic care alleviates pain from sports injuries quickly and naturally. You will find information about a highly respected Linden chiropractor at right now.

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